Gastric Surgery


Stomach Ring

Stomach Ring

تقوم فكرة عملية حلقة المعدة على تشكيل حلقة صغيرة في الجزء العلوي من المعدة، لتصغير حجم المعدة بالتالي تقل كمية الطعام التي تستوعبها المعدة ويشعر المريض بالشبع سريعًا، من ثم يفقد نحو 20- 30 من وزنه الزائد.

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Gastric band

Gastric band

The gastric band procedure involves forming a tiny ring on the top part of the stomach to minimize its size. As a result, the amount of food consumed by the stomach causes the patient to feel full fast, and he or she loses around 20 to 30 kg.

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gastric plication

gastric plication

The purpose of gastric plication is to reduce the amount of food the patient consumes by shrinking the stomach. The procedure is successful and has outstanding outcomes in terms of reducing obesity and increasing general health.

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Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery

Are you struggling with obesity and the health issues that come with it? Gastric bypass surgery could be the life-changing solution you’ve been looking for. This effective weight-loss procedure can help you achieve significant and long-lasting weight loss, ultimately improving your overall health and quality of life.

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