Hijama offers in Dubai 2024 – Cupping Therapy offers


Hijama offers in Dubai 2024 – Cupping Therapy offers

Hijama offers in Dubai

Hijama, or cupping therapy has been used for thousands of years in different cultures around the world. Now, it’s starting to spread again due to the promising results that it provides when treating several conditions.

Hijama involves putting cups at certain body points on the skin like the back and shoulders. A practitioner creates suction in the cups using heat or pumps, this suction is said to help with many conditions. If you are in Dubai, there are great hijama offers in Dubai that you can try at our medical center to benefit from the cupping sessions.

What does hijama do?

Hijama is used to promote healing and has been used extensively for sore muscles and pain relief. The suction of the cups is said to promote all these great changes. There are different types of cups such as glass, bamboo, plastic, or silicone cups. Hijama is used for many different reasons, we’ll explain a few of them below.

Hijama for pain relief

Hijama is said to be really effective when it comes to pain relief. One theory of how hijama works for pain relief is that the pain control system is in our spinal cords, so the pressure from cupping stimulates nerve fibers which block pain signals that are sent to the brain by other nerves and block pain transmission.

A few studies have shown that hijama or cupping therapy helps with managing chronic pain, low back pain, neck pain, and chronic back pain. However, studies researching cupping therapy are rare and experts agree that cupping therapy still needs more quality research to be proven and a treatment method, but for now, it can be used as a complement to conventional medicine and not replace it altogether.

Hijama for skin

Hijama or cupping is said to reduce inflammatory substances which improves the immune system. This is because the direct physical stimulations expand blood vessels of the skin and increase blood circulation which improves metabolism within skin tissues and provides nutrition to the tissues.

Cupping therapy can also boost your body’s antioxidants and remove poisonous substances from the surface of the skin which strengthens the renewing power of the skin and its resistance to harmful conditions resulting in better skin. An Iranian study showed that cupping along with medicine gave better results for those who have acne than patients who had medicine and fake cupping sessions.

Trusted study research showed evidence that cupping therapy can be effective at treating acne as well as herpes zoster and the pain resulting from it.

Facial hijama

Facial cupping is not the same as body cupping, they agree in the principle but differ in application. Facial cupping is softer and smaller and doesn’t leave marks behind it like body cupping does. Facial cupping is used to gently pull the skin away from deeper layers of fascia which increases blood flow to the area by filling the tissues in the treated area with fresh blood which leads to rejuvenating the skin.

The facial cups are used to have brighter skin, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, and tone the chin, jawline, neck, and décolletage. It also helps with decreasing puffiness and improving product absorption. On rare occasions, after having a facial cupping session you may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, and cold sweats.

Hijama for tense muscles

Cupping therapy is used to relieve tense muscles in many places such as the back, shoulders, and knees. The pressure from cupping therapy expands the blood vessels in the muscles which helps with the flow of blood and has a remarkable effect on stiff muscles. This works for many body muscles such as the back and the shoulder. Cupping can also reduce knee inflammation by increasing blood flow and flexibility as it encourages tissue repair in the knees.

It also has a great effect on the joints, as it improves the flow of blood within the joint and helps eliminate muscular spasms around the joints which can provide an almost complete cure in mild cases.

Sports hijama

Hijama is used widely in the sports world nowadays. As cupping therapy was reintroduced to the modern world when swimmer Michael Phelps showed up at the 2016 Olympics with purple marks on his skin as a result of a cupping session.

The National Library of Medicine also reported in 2017 that athletes have been using cupping therapy as a part of their recovery but that further research is still needed to confirm cupping’s effectiveness.

Hijama offers in Dubai

There are many hijama offers in Dubai. At Beauty Wise Medical Center, we offer you many types of hijama so that you can choose the best option for you. We offer you preventive Hijama which aims to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of diseases safely and naturally, therapeutic cupping which promotes healing and relaxation, sports cupping which is for athletes who want to increase their physical activity, improve performance, and have a natural recovery, and holistic hijama that uses different technologies to detoxify the body and restore the energy.


Cupping is an ancient technique that uses the suction of the skin with glass, bamboo, plastic, or silicone cups to help boost the immune system, increase blood flow, and relieve pain.

More and more research is ongoing to understand how it works as existing research is suggesting that cupping may be an effective complementary procedure for many symptoms and conditions. However, more research is still needed to confirm what cupping can do exactly and what it can be used for. As for now, more hijama offers in Dubai are being offered to get the best use of hijama sessions.

Frequently asked questions

Which age is best for Hijama?

Hijama doesn’t have a certain age, but it’s not advised to be performed on children under the age of 16 unless there is a very strong need and a lack of alternative options. The children will also need to be accompanied by their parents and they need a referral from their doctor.

Who Cannot do Hijama?

Hijama is not suited for pregnant women or people who have skin conditions. Also, if you are suffering from bleeding disorders or heart problems you’ll need to contact your doctor first. Additionally, children, older adults, or people with allergies are mostly not suited for hijama sessions.

What are the dangers of Hijama?

Hijama is a very low-risk procedure, it has little to no side effects. These rare side effects can be skin discoloration from suction, scars, or burns.

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